Albury & Puller Nursery & Primary Schools

Albury Primary

Welcome to Albury Primary School. Our School is situated in a small rural village, five miles from Bishop’s Stortford, next to the Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin. The school consists of the original Victorian building and a relatively new school hall and kitchen which opened in July 2008. The school is set in attractive grounds encompassing a hard-playing area, a brand new adventure play trail, sports field, pond and natural wildlife environment.

Our children are here for up to nine years, including Seedlings pre-school. This enables us to get to know the children and understand them very well. There is a high standard of teaching in all areas of our school delivered within a warm, caring and friendly atmosphere.

We welcome applications from Albury village and all surrounding areas. We are always pleased to meet with prospective parents and show them around the school. Please call the school office on 01279 771253 for a prospectus and application form or you can download an application form on our admissions page.

Below are a selection of quotes from our most recent Ofsted inspection (May 2018). A copy of this report can be found by clicking on the “Key Information” link and then the Ofsted tab.

This continues to be a "good" school

The inspection report noted that:

  • Members of staff "have successfully preserved the caring, supportive ethos of this very small school which is valued by pupils, parents and carers.  One parent stated, 'Every child is valued and given the opportunity to flourish', while a pupil commented that school 'is like a big family'.
  • "Pupils of all ages behave exceptionally well and develop positive attitudes towards their learning.  They take pride in their work and, as a result, the presentation of their work is of a very high standard."
  • "Pupils are highly supportive of each other and explained that everyone joins in and gets on well together."
  • "Pupils have historically achieved well in reading, writing and maths.  They enjoy a range of subjects in particular art and science" having "opportunities to work with specialist teachers who have developed their skills and enthusiasm for these subjects."
  • "PE is also very popular with many pupils.  One parent commented, 'the school has made huge improvements in its sports offer and this is adding a lot to children's confidence and experience in tournaments against other, bigger schools.'"
  • The school has "a strong team who share....'high expectations in everything we do'".
  • "Some good additions" include "hosting the weekly mother and toddler group, the additional provision for two-year-olds, the Nursery, and providing the breakfast and after-school clubs."
  • "Improvements made to the early years environment have ensured that it is well organised, bright and stimulating.  The two-year-olds, Nursery and Reception work well together with the older children providing good role models for the younger children.   As a result, all children are making good progress from their starting points."
  • Safeguarding is effective and "is a priority of the school."  Pupils told the inspector that "they always feel safe and happy in school.  They know that they have adults in school who will listen and help." 
