Albury Year 3/4 Class Page
Class Teachers: Miss Neary & Mrs Dell
1:1 Teaching Assistant: Miss Carr
Spring Term Curriculum
Summer Term
Children will have a precision reading focus daily which also covers the skills of spelling, punctuation and grammar. This is followed by a writing lesson which covers a number of key genres and has been designed to inspire children through rich and diverse texts which are current and relevant to the world around them. In order to ensure the curriculum fully matches the needs of all our children, we draw upon teaching aspects from a number of core partners: The Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE), Hamilton Trust (HT), Herts for Learning (HfL) and The Literacy Shed. This term we focus on core texts relating to Saving Species, Rosie Review and Engineer and Man on the Moon for our WaW (We are Writers) weeks and cover narrative, report writing and poetry using a range of key texts. Of course, all children will be reading a selection of titles from our 100 books recommended reading list. I will help to guide them on which books to choose. You can see what we will cover here:
Mathematics - Year 3
Year 3 Unit 7 – Length and Perimeter
In this unit, children will focus on measurement in millimetres (mm), centimetres (cm) and metres (m). Children will learn how these units of measurement relate to one another and convert between single and mixed units. They will apply their knowledge of number to compare, order, add and subtract measurements of length and calculate the perimeter of 2D shapes
Unit 8 Fractions
In this unit, children will understand the concept of a unit fraction and a non-unit fraction and understand what the numerator and denominator represent. Children will compare and order simple unit fractions and also non-unit fractions where the denominators are equal. In addition to this, children will learn to recognise and show, using diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators. They will explore a fraction wall and use it to find equivalent fractions. Children will order fractions on a number line and compare two fractions using bar models and the comparison signs <, > or =. They will learn to add and subtract two or more fractions with the same denominator, answering questions in more than one way and comparing the efficiency of each method.
Mathematics - Year 4
Year 4 Unit 7
In this unit, area is introduced by children using non-standard units and seeing how many of these will fi t inside a shape. Children will be made aware of the need for standard units of measurement and will progress to measuring area by counting the number of centimetre squares that fit within a shape. The unit helps children to apply their knowledge in problem-solving and investigative contexts, such as exploring different shapes that all have the same area. Although the relationship between length, width and area is not expounded in this unit, children may recognise informal links between the three concepts from their activities when counting squares. These links will provide a foundation for further development of the concept of area in later years.
Unit 8 – Fractions
At first, children will explore the relationship between tenths and hundredths using models to support understanding. They will then move on to equivalent fractions using fraction strips and a fraction wall to aid understanding. Following this, children will further develop their understanding of how to simplify fractions. Finally, children will look at fractions that are greater than 1 and explore what happens when a fractional number is more than a whole.
Identify how sounds are made, associating some of them with something vibrating. Recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear. Find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it. Find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it. Recognise that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases. Ask relevant questions and use different types of scientific enquiries to answer them. Identify differences, similarities or changes related to simple scientific ideas and processes. Use straightforward scientific evidence to answer questions or to support their findings.
The Maya
The Maya, in this unit, the children will find out about the Spanish conquistadors and their expeditions in Mesoamerica. They will look at some of the Mayan temple ruins and generate questions that the conquistadors might have asked, as well as questions they would like to find the answers to themselves. They will learn what an archaeologist does and look at how artefacts can help us find out about the Mayan civilisation. They will be given a brief overview of the Mayan civilisation and start to order events chronologically. The children will think about how our society is run and who makes our decisions before comparing this with how Mayan society was structured. They will find out about different groups of Mayan people from kings and nobles to slaves and farmers, as well as how Mayans lived in various independent city states. The children will find out what the Maya believed and how this affected their daily lives. They will explore some of the Mayan gods and what they demanded from the Mayan people, including bloodletting and human sacrifice, as well as learning about the role of priests and beliefs about the afterlife. Children will generate questions surrounding the everyday lives of ordinary Mayan people. They will use a variety of different sources of information to find answers to their questions. .
Investigating India
In this unit the children will locate India on a world map and identify some of its surrounding countries. They will find out some facts about India, (eg. Population, capital city), and explore its different climate regions. Children will investigate how mountain ranges are formed, and explore six different Indian mountain ranges, describing them using appropriate geographical vocabulary. Children will understand the journey of a river from source to mouth. They will identify some of the major rivers in India and explore their uses and features. Children will locate some of India’s major cities and compare their geographical features. They will explore aspects of Indian culture, including clothing, religion, food and architecture, and find out how these have influenced other cultures. Children will identify similarities and differences in the human and physical features of India and the UK, and consider why the two countries are so different.
Composing using your imagination and sharing musical experiences.
This Unit of Work celebrates a wide range of musical styles. The clearly sequenced lessons support the key areas of the English Model Music Curriculum; Listening, Singing, Playing Composing and Performing. There are options for assessment, deeper learning and further musical exploration.
Computing, over the course of this term the children with be learning about coding. In this unit, pupils will: use selection in coding with the ‘if/ else’ command; understand and use variables in 2Code; use flowcharts for design of algorithms including selection; use the ‘repeat until’ with variables to determine the repeat and learn about and use computational thinking terms; decomposition and abstraction
We will continue to follow the 1 Decision scheme, with Deedee and Darlee helping the children explore the topics Relationships including touch and being responsible, stealing.
In this unit children will offer suggestions about what the narrative of the Last Supper, Judas’ betrayal and Peter’s denial might mean. Make clear links between the Gospel texts and how Christians remember, celebrate and serve on Maundy Thursday, including Holy Communion. Raise questions and suggest answers about how serving and celebrating, remembering and betrayal, trust and standing up for your beliefs might make a difference to how people think and live. Lent Trail, Easter service
Ancient Britain
In this unit pupils will be taught three high frequency verbs in the 1st person singular form. The verbs are: ‘to be’, ‘to have’ and ‘to live’. Through the medium of this period of history, pupils will pretend to be characters from the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages. By the end of the unit pupils will be able to say / write who they are, where they live and which hunting tool they use, incorporating the three high frequency verbs in their phrases.
Art & Design
Art & Design
With our specialist Art teacher Mrs Mackervoy, the children will develop a wide range of Art and Design techniques using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, space and form.
We suggest that full PE kit be brought into school on Mondays and take home on Fridays. PE kits consist of: school PE shirt, school PE hoodie, black shorts/leggings/joggers, trainers.
This term PE will also be supplemented by daily mile a number of times a week. In PE lessons we will focus on Yoga and Rounders.
Year 3 pupils will discover how yoga can help them to develop balance, strength and flexibility. Pupils will learn and explore yoga poses that will challenge each of these and work independently and with others to create their own yoga flows with consideration to how the poses are sequenced.
Year 4 pupils will learn about mindfulness and body awareness. They will learn yoga poses and techniques that will help them to connect their mind and body. The unit looks to improve wellbeing by building strength, flexibility and balance. The learning includes breathing and meditation. Pupils will work independently and with others to create their own yoga flows.
Both year 3 and 4 pupil will learn that rounders is a striking and fielding game. In this unit pupils explore their understanding of the principles of striking and fielding. Pupils learn how to score points by striking a ball into space and running around cones or bases. When fielding, they learn how to play in different fielding roles. They focus on developing throwing, catching and batting skills. In all games activities, pupils have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. Pupils are given opportunities to work in collaboration with others, play fairly demonstrating an understanding of the rules, as well as being respectful of the people they play with and against.
Home Learning
Homework will be set on a Friday and handed back in on the following Wednesday.
Reading & Spelling: All children are expected to read at home daily for at least 15 minutes. We encourage your child to include other genres in their reading, including non-fiction sources such as newspapers, magazines and reference materials. Parents are encouraged to sign the reading records to indicate that this has been done each day. Spelling words will be regularly sent home to practise. Spellings may consist of particular letter strings or high frequency words.
English, Science & Foundation Subjects : Children will receive a combination of English, Science and Topic work every week. Tasks reinforce learning done in class and vary from being based on a particular writing style or skill e.g. poetry or diary writing to focusing on specific grammar or punctuation rules or a comprehension based on their English, Science or Foundation topic. In addition, they could be tasked with finding an object to bring in, share and talk about, doing independent research on a particular topic or completing additional work based on the topic covered in class. In addition they may receive vocabulary on a particular topic that they need to learn.
Maths: Every week the class will receive a piece of Maths homework based on the work we have been covering in class. In addition to this, we would strongly encourage every child to practise their times tables regularly using Times Tables Rock Stars. There is a weekly tournament set up against our sister school (Puller) and every time you use TTRS, your score counts towards our school’s score! Click the picture below to go to the Times Table Rock Stars page.
Highlights of the Term