Albury & Puller Nursery & Primary Schools

Puller Oak class page

Mighty Oaks

Class Teachers: Mr Higgins

Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Nicky Costin

Summer Term Curriculum 


  • Maths
  • English
  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • RE
  • RHSE
  • Music
  • MFL - Spanish
  • Computing
  • Art & Design
  • PE


Summer 2023 Timetable

summer timetable oak 2023.pdf

100 Book Challenge!

"Reading for pleasure is the single biggest factor in success later in life, outside of an education. Study after study has shown that those children who read for pleasure are the ones who are most likely to fulfil their ambitions. ''If your child reads, they will succeed – it’s that simple.” Bali Rai

Oak class are promoting reading for pleasure by challenging our pupils to enjoy reading our list of 100 books, which we have at least one copy each at school and hopefully by the time they leave Puller Memorial they will have read all or some of these fantastic books!

oaks reading list new.pdf

Home learning 

Homework will be set on a Thursday and handed back in on the following Thursday.

There is a two-week rota for learning to be completed at home - one week the focus will be on English and Maths; the following week home learning will cover other foundation subjects, e.g. Science, History, Art etc.

Every pupil is expected to read at home daily for at least 10 minutes.  We would encourage your child to read as many different genres as possible.  Please sign the reading records to indicate that this has been done each day.

All children in Year 5 and 6 are given a selection of words to learn and practise at home.  Please, encourage your child to practise these regularly.

We would strongly encourage every child to practise their times tables regularly (at least 3 or 4 times per week) using Times Tables Rock Stars.  There is a weekly tournament set up against our sister school (Albury) and every time you use TTRS, your score counts towards our school’s score!

Home learning links

TT Rockstars

Trips & Visits


Wednesday 5th July 2023 Whole School Trip to Walton- On -The-Naze - £20 approx.

w/c 12th June 2023 Activities Week - £100 approx. for Y5 and £125 approx. for Y6 (due to different activities for each year group)