Albury Toddler Group
Albury Toddlers runs every Tuesday morning (during term time) from 9 am to 10.30 am and offers a range of fun, child-friendly activities for children from birth to school age. This is a stay and play session, so parents (or grandparents, aunties or uncles) are required to stay (and play) with their child. There is no need to book - you can simply just turn up on the day! We make a small charge of £2 per adult to cover the cost of refreshments (tea or coffee for the grown ups and a healthy snack for the little ones!)
Albury Toddlers is located in the beautiful hall at the school and is run by experienced school staff and offers and fantastic introduction to the school for those looking for a pre-school or Nursery place.
We would love you to join us on a Tuesday morning.
Albury Toddler Group