Welcome to Willow Class
Willow Class is our Nursery and Reception class. Your child can join us the term after they turn 3.
Puller Memorial school offers every child small class sizes and big opportunities. We have a large outside space including play equipment, an outside classroom and a field and playground. The Nursery and Reception children also benefit from a separate secure garden area with spaces for play, story-telling and gardening. We offer the Nursery and Reception children regular wellie walks in the local area.
Puller offers each child a friendly, nurturing environment for them to flourish and develop into confident and able learners. With our small school size every adult knows each child individually and can cater for their strengths and areas for development. There is a real family feel shown through the caring nature of the older children for the youngest members of our school community. All children leave Puller with a sense of confidence and self-assurance due to taking part in plays and being a member of sports teams which they may not get the chance to do in a larger school.
Children in Nursery and Reception are given a variety of learning opportunities every day which range from daily phonics sessions, maths, literacy, RE and topic learning.
We offer delicious, hot lunches cooked on site and we can also offer wraparound care including a breakfast club and an afterschool club. Nursery hours can be flexible dependent on parents needs and work situations. We can take up to 15 children with 30 hours free childcare and this can be taken as needed. We can also offer paid for extra sessions if your child doesn’t qualify for the 30 hours free childcare.
Puller Memorial is a place where children Achieve, Believe, Challenge, Develop, Excel and Flourish. Please come and see for yourself. Phone the office to make an appointment or to ask any questions – 01920463178 or e-mail admin@puller.herts.sch.uk
Meet the Team
Puller - EYFS Team (ID 1204)
Miss Rebecca FryEarly Years Class Teacher
Miss Rebecca Fry
Mrs Leanne WolfTeaching Assistant
Mrs Leanne Wolf
Puller - EYFS Team (ID 1204)
Important Information - Planning and Timetable
autumn 1 mtp reception v 1.pdf
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
We have weekly PSHE lessons using the 1Decision scheme.
We are using 1decision Early Years resources to meet the needs of Personal Social & Emotional Development in early years. The children will meet Blue Dilemma drops, Green Dilemma drops, Pink Dilemma drops, Purple Dilemma drops, Red Dilemma drops and Yellow Dilemma drops. Each of the Rainbow Drops face a range of dilemmas like feeling scared, learning to share, worry and adjusting to change, road safety, making friends, etc. Children will be involved in group discussions to share their ideas on how to help the Rainbow Drops. These group discussions will help children understand and develop their Personal, Social and Emotional needs.
We also have daily circle time to discuss anything that has happened that day to ensure children know they are in a safe and secure space where they can talk about how they feel and express their opinions.
Communication and Language
Communication and Language
We have regular communication and language sessions including show and tell, rhyming games and role-play. We model good communication and language skills regularly through adult - child interactions.
We assess the children using the NELI tracker and support children to make good progress where needed.
Physical Development
Physical Development
We have a weekly PE session that follows the Get Set 4 PE scheme of work. We also go on regular wellie walks in the local area.
We provide the children with many fine and gross motor skills activities and work on pencil control and scissor skills.
The children are encouraged to be as independent as possible when changing clothing and shoes as well as putting their coats on themselves.
The reception children follow a programme called Read Write Inc. Children will learn the first 40+ sounds and start to blend these sounds into words. They will then to move on to learn to read the same sounds but with alternative graphemes, eg play, rain.
In the summer term Nursery children will start learning about initial sounds following the Read Write Inc scheme of work. They will also be engaged in activities to develop their understanding of rhythm and rhymes, alliteration, identifying and distinguishing different sounds; environmental sounds, instrumental sounds and voice sounds.
We also have focus books in Literacy linked to the topic in each half term.
In Nursery and Pre School, we develop children's understanding of number, shapes and measures by exploring through play and focussed activities like, measurement and counting in cooking, shapes and patterns in art, numbers and signs all around us, etc. Children are introduced to the concepts of mathematics through their experiences with concrete objects and pictorial representations.
In Reception class we follow Power Maths.
Numbers to 5:
In this unit, children will learn to count reliably to 5 and recognise the numerals 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. They will begin to recognise different representations of numbers up to 5, such as those shown in a five frame and on dice, and to understand that even if the order or arrangement changes, the number stays the same.
Comparing Groups Within 5
In this unit, children will be introduced to the language of more and fewer by comparing groups of up to 5 objects presented in different ways, including dice formation. They will also learn that groups of objects can have the same amount in them, even if they look different.
Change within 5
In this unit, children will learn how to find one more and one less than a number within 5 in the context of a first, then, now story structure. They will use pictures, objects and a five frame to show what is happening.
Number Bonds Within 5
In this unit, children will progress from finding one more and one less within 5 and putting objects into two groups, to using a part-whole model to represent the groups and the bonds to 5.
Shape and Space
In this unit, the focus is on describing and comparing 3D and 2D shapes. Children will be introduced to shapes and their properties with a focus on rolling and stacking with 3D shapes and viewing 2D shapes in different orientations. Children start by using positional and directional language to describe where an object is. This unit introduces positional language and the names and some of the key properties of common 2D and 3D shapes. These are important building blocks for the concepts of shape and space children will meet later in KS1 and KS2. Spatial awareness supports all aspects of maths and familiarity with shape builds confidence prior to using the mathematical properties and language met in KS1.
Exploring Patterns
This unit focuses on looking at patterns. Understanding pattern is one of the main foundations of all mathematics learning. When children are investigating patterns and their representations, they are forming valuable understanding that will enable them to make links in more complex mathematical concepts, such as the understanding of how numbers work and algebra.
Adding by counting on
This unit focuses on counting forwards from a given number in order to add. Counting on is far more efficient than some of the other methods of addition, therefore children need to become familiar and confident with this strategy.
Understanding the World
Understanding the World
Knowledge and Understanding of the World relates to children's everyday lives, their homes, families, other people, the local environment and community, and the wider world. There are three main areas in this area of learning -
- Places and people (Geography)
- Time and people (History)
- Myself and other living and non-living things (Science)
Through different types of play, active, and experiential learning opportunities as well as practical activities, children will be provided with meaningful experiences. These will stimulate their senses as well as encourage them to ask questions, explore and wonder at their environment. They will undertake investigations that engage their interests, and develop awareness of the beliefs and views of others.
Expressive Arts and Design
Expressive Arts and Design
Exploring and using media and materials - children will sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them. They safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.
Being imaginative - children will use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about uses and purposes. They represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through the range of opportunities. provided, both during adult led and child initiated sessions.
Children are provided opportunities to experiment with different materials, textures and art resources. We also have weekly music lessons following the Charanga scheme of work.
Our RE topic for this summer term is Salvation. Children will be looking at what the Bible says about the last days of Jesus' ministry on Earth, from Palm Sunday to Jesus' resurrection. They will be learning about the importance of the cross and why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden. We will be studying Easter symbols and customs connected to Jesus' death and resurrection that lie at the heart of the Christian Easter celebration.
What we are learning this half term
This term we will be learning through our topic 'Me and my world, all about me'.
We are delighted to be able to offer the NELI programme at Puller Memorial School.
As part of this DfE funded programme schools have been provided access to a tablet-based assessment called LanguageScreen.
LanguageScreen is a short (approx. 10 minutes) fun activity for children which gives useful information about children’s language skills. This assessment is used at the beginning to help schools decide who may benefit most from receiving the NELI intervention and again at the end of the school year to see how children’s language skills have benefited from the programme.
Information for new Parents
Home Learning
Reception: Home learning will be sent home on a Friday to be returned on the following Wednesday. Please support your child to complete the home-learning tasks, and most importantly enjoy them! We would love feedback as to how your child is finding their homework.
Nursery: Home learning will be sent home once a half term - the first Tuesday of each half term.
Reception children will be sent home with a library book of their choice on a Friday of every week. We ask that this is returned on the following Wednesday, and they will have a new book. They will also be sent with a reading book from the Read Write Inc scheme. This book will focus on the sounds learnt during phonics lessons and will give children an opportunity to consolidate their learning at home. This book will be changed weekly. As well as reading this book daily with your child we also ask that they are sharing a wide range of other stories to help develop their love of reading.
Please sign up to the Oxford Owl website which offers free books and activities https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/
Please try some of the daily challenges on the monthly Maths calendar. This will be uploaded onto the 'Maths' page of the website.
Please also support your child to try some of the School Jam activities on the app. These are linked to our current learning and follow the same scheme of work.
Children also have access to Mini Mash which contains games and activities. Please use your school login (contact us if you have issues accessing this) https://www.purplemash.com/sch/albury